A gap in the rain. Time to kick-start the vegetable garden
Finally, the rain stopped for a few days leading up to the weekend, enough to dry the ground enough for me to get into my vegetable garden and kick-start this year’s vegetable growth.
This year, I am doing something a little different; at one end of the vegetable patch, I am growing two rows of Sunflowers. This is partly a project for my boys so they learn more about growing plants and because I read that Sunflowers, due to their large root network, are good for regenerating soil.
Another thing I have done differently this year is rather than starting with seeds, I have purchased (from my local Dobbies) vegetables that have already been started. With so much rain and busy weekends, taking the easy option and buying plants that have been started seem like a good option this year.
In addition to the Sunflowers, this year I am growing;
Sweet corn
Green beans
Dwarf green peas
Pak Choi
Butternut Squash
Next weekend, all going well, and rain (or lack of it) permitting, I will be planting Sweet Corn, Cucumber and Pumpkin, sowing seeds directly outside. Additionally, there is alot of mulching and weeding to be getting on with.
One piece of good news is that with all this rain, my strawberry patch is looking very good. I think we will be enjoying a huge crop this year.