The Allotment and Greenhouses
Do you love the taste of home grown vegetables. We certainly do in our house. We have created a corner of our garden specifically for growing vegetables. As we are right on the edge of our small town, we have lots of rabbits in the nearby fields. One of the first things we did, having fixed our fence, was to fence off our vegetable patch and put in a wire netting that we dug down into the ground to help prevent the rabbits getting in, as they were enjoying the vegetables more than we were!
You might be a seasoned pro, but if not I like to search around to get advice and guidance. For allotments or veg patches I am loving Dobies blog - Dobies Blog - Plot & Garden Tips & Advice. There is so much help there, everything from what to plant each month, flowers to grow alongside your veg and plenty of tips. has a brilliant set of growing guides for all sorts of fruit and vegetables. For instance we are about to plant our beetroot straight in the ground and there’s a fantastic step-by-step guide here, along with different varieties to try:
Even though we are almost at the end of April, it’s not too late to check out thing that need to be done in the garden. 10 Must-Do Garden Jobs For April ( has some essentials to be done in the garden. Sadly my sweet peas, that I actually remembered to get started early this year have all bolted and are not looking happy so I have another packet that I’m going to risk it and plant directly outside - we’ll see if it works!
As my pre-sown seedlings have all gone a bit crazy, I’ve decided I really need a coldframe or even a greenhouse so I have been doing research into some options. There is an infinite amount of information on the web and it’s a bit of a minefield. The following websites have given me good guidance for what we need in our garden and shown a variety of selection: - they have a large selection of smaller greenhouses and coldframes. - have traditional larger sized greenhouses. have a wide range of greenhouses, from a lean to to large potting sheds with a storage shed attached. I’m loving the looking of this: 6x6 Clearview Oxfordshire Wooden Potting Store-South West Greenhouses (