The Garden is Blooming and so are the Weeds!
I don’t know about yours, but in the south of the UK, our garden has really sprung into life - along with all the weeds! There seem to a couple of weeds that are going crazy and spreading like wildfire and sadly taking over the borders. The worst seems to be Creeping Buttercup which I thought looked pretty last year but now it’s rampant! The RHS has some guidance on how best to deal with it: Creeping buttercup / RHS Gardening. I am all for creating biodiversity in the garden, and I know the bees love it but this plant has overextended itself where it’s not wanted. I have plenty of other bee loving plants in my garden to keep them happy. The other weed we have is ground elder - it is everywhere and is even less welcome than the creeping buttercup. (Ground elder / RHS Gardening). I have been digging it out but I may well have to resort to the cardboard approach as suggested by the RHS if I can’t contain it. Next year I plan to be more organised and ensure we mulch the beds in late autumn/early winter before all our spring plants come up. This will certainly help curtail the weeds. However, I am assured that is not too late to apply mulch, we always go to a local supplier Apsley Farm and have just placed an order, Apsley Gardening Products ( This product is truly amazing, having moved into a garden 4 years ago where there were virtually no worms in our garden, we’ve applied this mulch and soil improver and now we have an abundance - a good sign our soil is much happier.
Creeping Buttercup